I have watched all epizodes of Big Bang Theory but the last, which I left for a lousy evening. Yesterday, above everything, I've already figured out how to send text message to Soon Jae, but I still think it didn't work, because he hadn't mentioned any text message, when he wrote me an email this morning. Well, it was actually yesterday late night, but waking up with something like this, it just makes your day. Which reminds me that Matt could have also written.
We had a family lunch yesterday and I was regretting it in the late afternoon, because I always regret it and this time especially just because I was sick and you know how I hate taking those pills. But it was fun convincing everyone that I am dying. Which I was not, apparently.
Today I was out with Dominika doing the same stuff as usual - discussing my problems. I can't help myself those days, when I'm so chatty. I told her I have been searching for photos of the school she's going to in September, considering me probably sending an application letter to this university as well and I was amazed by the city and student accommodation and I know it's gonna be mind-blowing. I also put in remembrance Linda and her Scotland-exploring and I don't know how exactly she is, but hopefully I'll keep up soon.
We had a family lunch yesterday and I was regretting it in the late afternoon, because I always regret it and this time especially just because I was sick and you know how I hate taking those pills. But it was fun convincing everyone that I am dying. Which I was not, apparently.
Today I was out with Dominika doing the same stuff as usual - discussing my problems. I can't help myself those days, when I'm so chatty. I told her I have been searching for photos of the school she's going to in September, considering me probably sending an application letter to this university as well and I was amazed by the city and student accommodation and I know it's gonna be mind-blowing. I also put in remembrance Linda and her Scotland-exploring and I don't know how exactly she is, but hopefully I'll keep up soon.
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